More About the process:

This process is for men wanting to connect deeper with inner peace, gain greater levels of self awareness, create healthier relationships and find more meaning to life. Through the coaching process, inner child healing, shadow work, breath work, self reflective writing, mediation and other holistic approaches we begin to recognize the trauma’s we experienced in earlier stages of life and better understand how they show up today. With this new understanding we learn how to release these safeguards in healthy and positive ways to allow us to reconnect to our self on a deeper level. 

We as men cannot achieve a deeper understanding or meaning to life if we are living in stress, living on high alert or if our defence mechanisms are activated. It is when we slow down, calm the nervous system and allow emotions to surface that then allows us to dive deep into our true existence. 

Men have been taught to be strong, secure and tough to support family and look after themselves, advance in their careers and to create the ideal life. We have come to a time when more men are questioning the meaning of their life when they accomplished the ideal vision and are still feeling unfulfilled. Self discovery and self love is what I believe is missing in many men’s lives and this is where I feel this process can benefit. 

I spent many years in a self sabotaging and destructive state coping and escaping the reality I was not happy with. I was deep into my addictions, I wasn’t happy with my career or where I was living. It wasn’t until I discovered reconnecting with my emotions, inner child healing, shadow work, breath work, mediation, yoga and a healthy holistic approach to life that I started to realize the deeper aspects and meaning to my existence. It was through this process that I truly started to reconnect with myself and emotions in a healthy way. 

I reach out to the men that are struggling, coping, escaping and confused on where to turn next. I want you to know you are not alone and that there are ways to deepen your meaning, deepen inner peace and start feeling you are living a meaningful life.

Area’s Of Focus:

  • Reconnecting with inner peace

  • Inner child healing

  • Shadow Work

  • Addiction

  • Anger | Rage | Insecurities

  • Personal Rituals | Routines | Practises

  • Purpose | Passion | Fun

  • Connecting with nature

  • Discover your spiritual path

  • Build healthier relationships

methods of focus:

  • Breath-work

  • Mediation | Yoga

  • Fitness

  • Self reflective writing

  • Solo reflection time

  • Setting positive intention

  • Creating community

  • Effective communication